Fruit Ripening & Picking Guides


Elderberries are popular for their unusual flavour in pies, jellies, and jams, and are sometimes used in winemaking. They hang in clusters from wood-like stems. Only the purplish-black elderberries are good for eating, and must always be cooked. Green or bright red elderberries are bitter, and possibly toxic, even when cooked.

Average Ripening Timeline: mid August to mid September

Elderberries in Basket
  • Color When Ripe: a deep purple to black colour
  • Feel & Texture When Ripe: berries produce dark purple juice when squeezed
  • Taste & Smell When Ripe: not applicable – raw elderberry is toxic, and juice should be used to indicate ripeness
  • Underripe if…green skin, juice when squeezed is pale and watery
  • Overripe if…mushy, wrinkled, or discoloured
Elderberry Bushels

Average Yield: up to 10 lbs

  • Elderberries grow in clusters. When picking elderberries, remove the cluster as a whole by snapping the stem at the base of the branch
  • Under ripe elderberries will not ripen after being harvested
black elder, sambucus nigra, holder bush, holler, lilac, shrub, elder, sambucus, bush type, black, berry, elderberries, remedies, medicinal plant, food, sambucus nigra, sambucus nigra, sambucus nigra, sambucus nigra, sambucus nigra, elder, sambucus, sambucus, sambucus, sambucus, sambucus, elderberries, elderberries, elderberries, elderberries, elderberries


  • Keep all the berries on the cluster until you are ready to eat, bake, juice, or whatever other amazing thing you’re going to do! 
  • Elderberries should be cooked or frozen as soon as possible. Only keep at room temperature for 2-4 hours
  • Remove the berries from the stem by holding the cluster over a bowl with one hand and gently running your other hand down the cluster, separating each berry and allowing it to fall into a bowl below
  • Fridge: Store unwashed berries in a loosely covered container in the fridge for 1-2 days
  • Freezer: Wash and dry berries, on or off the stems, then freeze in a single layer on a baking sheet. Transfer to a container or bag. If you leave the stems on, they can easily be removed once the berries are frozen. Use within 6-10 months to make syrup or jelly

Ideas for Eating

Elderberries are poisonous raw and need to be cooked to make them edible.

Pie; Jelly & jam; Syrup; Wine; Beverages

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