March Healthy Harvest Habits
Farewell to a Pioneer
After over a decade of dedicated service, Jordy Gold, a founding member of Not Far From the Tree’s (NFFTT) Steering Committee, is stepping down. Jordy has been a pivotal figure in NFFTT since its inception, helping the organization grow and thrive through numerous challenges and triumphs.
Jordy joined the steering committee in 2011 and has been instrumental in shaping NFFTT into the vibrant community initiative it is today. Over the years, Jordy recalls how the committee often met 2-3 times a week to ensure the organization’s success. “There were times we lost funding or key personnel at the last minute,” he says. “It easily could have stopped existing, but the dedication and creativity of the team is what kept it alive.”
NFFTT continues to flourish, thanks to the passion and hard work of its supporters. Jordy takes immense pride in seeing the organization still going strong. “It’s so important, and so many creative people believe in the mission. I love the importance of the work we do,” he emphasizes. “In the early days, during a meeting with a facilitator to align on our mission and vision, one of things we always came back to was the magic of the organization.”
Jordy grew up in cherry country, and says that moving to Toronto he wasn’t expecting to find food growing so abundantly. At first, he says he wasn’t even aware of the urban orchard around him. Jordy cites one of his most memorable experiences after moving to the city was discovering a cherry tree just down the street from his house. “I had lived here for 15 years, and I hadn’t noticed almost any fruit trees. My first pick was just down the street from me, and I had no idea that tree was there until I went on that pick. It changed how I saw our city and the potential for feeding people,” he recalls.
Jordy emphasized how much he cherishes the connections and friendships formed through NFFTT. He says it’s always about the people and he’s excited to be moving on to help build out and Co-Chair the Diversity Fellows Alumni Network, an organization that brings together the next generation of diverse leaders in Toronto and the wider region., Many have gone on to significant roles, including Members of Parliament, city councilors and to be executives at some of the country’s largest companies. “We’ve brought together amazing people, and there is so much we can achieve together as a group,” he says. “We’re not all the way there, but I know we’ll be able to have a huge positive impact through collaboration.”
As Jordy steps back, he is confident in the future of NFFTT. “I’m happy I can step back at a time when the project is in good hands, there’s regular funding and a strong staff team and Steering Committee,” he says. He envisions a bright future for NFFTT, hoping to see the platform shared with more cities worldwide as well as further growth in Toronto. “I’m excited to see where it goes next. I would love to see the organization grow and flourish, reaching more people and making an even bigger impact.”
Jordy’s legacy at NFFTT represents his unwavering commitment and vision to climate justice and food security initiatives. His contributions have not only sustained the organization but also inspired countless others to join in urban fruit harvesting and community building. As we bid farewell to Jordy from the Steering Committee, we celebrate his remarkable journey and look forward to his continued success.
Thank you, Jordy, for everything.
March Healthy Harvest Habits
Your Impact in 2024